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Lesbian Play: Grotty Review

“You fuck like a straight girl”

It’s probably fair to say that when hearing about a “lesbian play” the majority of lesbians out there will literally roll their eyes and assume the worst. However, when it comes to Izzy Tennyson’s Grotty you need to seriously consider before doing that eye roll babe.

grotty - lesbian theatre london

We headed to Bunker Theatre (we may or may not have had several glasses of summit summit prior, but this is no reflexion on our good judgement) discussing that it’s likely to either be an absolute car crash or average at best for lesbian theatre – harsh, but that was the conversation. We rocked up to Bunker and were pleasantly surprised by the venue and service on hand – an alternative, intimate venue with a decent bar, full marks already.

Grotty starts off with Tennyson’s character, Rigby, awkwardly entering the stage with a fast-paced dialog that automatically gets your attention – she cleverly rants about the London lesbian scene and touches upon aspects that will make you laugh, will resonate with you, yet sadly highlights all of the issues that we (as lesbian’s) have to experience.

Grotty, The Bunker - Courtesy of The Other Richard Izzy Tennyson

With an impressive cast that add to the great delivery, Grotty’s clever script brings a sense of humour to the dark and gritty story line which leaves you feeling quite amused. The play not only covers the drama of the Lesbian scene but also aspects including mental health, drug abuse, and relationship break down – all of which makes it a great watch.

This is not one to be missed and we highly recommend that you catch it.

Running until 26th May 2018 | Tickets >

Star rating? We don’t do grades, grades are for teachers. But, we would buy the cast a round of shots – says a lot.

Don’t miss out,

Nonchalant x

Nonchalant Magazine
Nonchalant Magazine

This article was written by one of our creative team writers here at Nonchalant Magazine.