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Managing Your Mental and Emotional Health

For Mental Health Awareness Week, we caught up with Luciana Carvalho Se MHFA who is co-founder of MindCheck and gave us some heavy stats and advice on how we can better manage our mental health and wellbeing. Here is what she had to say.

woman sitting on black chair in front of glass-panel window with white curtains

The theme for this year’s Mental Health Awareness Week is kindness.

Although we have seen incredible examples of collective responsibility throughout the country during this pandemic, neighbourhoods and cities coming together, protecting those most at risk, ongoing celebrations and recognition of those on the frontline… There has also been a marked increase in LGBTQ+ mental health helpline calls since the start of the COVID crisis.

Whether you are isolating with homophobic parents, or have a previous mental health condition that has been exacerbated by loneliness and anxiety. Or — the classic — you have hastily U-hauled with a new Tinder date and it is not going that well…There are challenges particular to the queer community that must not be ignored.

In fact, it is about time that we not only recognise and raise awareness that they exist but demystify and destigmatise them, so we can more effectively address them.

It is a known fact that LGBTQ+ individuals have historically reported higher rates of anxiety, depression, eating disorders and alcohol and substance misuse than our straight counterparts. Whether you have a lived experience of it or not, or know someone who has, you must be aware of the unique psychosocial elements that pervade our community. In fact, there is a name for that —minority stress theory.

Minority Stress Theory

It states that “sexual minorities experience distinct, chronic stressors related to their typically stigmatised identities which — in addition to every day or universal stressors — disproportionately compromise their mental health and wellbeing” (Mental Health in LGBT Youth, 2016). Factors include prevalent stigma and discrimination, exclusion, rejection and isolation, homo/bi/transphobia, difficulties in coming out, and lack of self-acceptance.

According to Stonewall’s LGBT in Britain Health Report 2018, over half of LGTBQ+ people had experienced some form of depression in the previous year, one in eight between the ages of 18-24 said they had attempted to take their own lives, and a massive three in five (61%) suffered from an anxiety disorder.

Speak Out and Work on It

Yikes. Yet those stats are not meant to make us worried, angry or demoralised. As someone who has gone through the depths of depression, anxiety and poor mental health and ‘survived’, stronger and fiercer than ever, I’m a testament to the fact that not only should we talk more openly about mental and emotional well-being, but actively work on it just as we do our physical wellbeing as if it were a muscle that can be trained.

After all, we all have mental health.

For the past few months, I have been running Navigating Mental Health in the Workplace webinars with the wonderful Vessy Tasheva, Diversity & Inclusion Consultant and Mental Health Advocate (she/they).

I’d like to leave you with a few of our top actionable tips for navigating the trialling times that we are facing and most importantly, showing yourself a bit of kindness and compassion: (that you so damn deserve!)

Top Tips

Slow the f*ck down: Stillness is an art. Watch this TED Talk by Liz Gilbert It’s OK to feel overwhelmed.

Here’s what to do next which reminds us that; “What is happening with the world right now is that basically all of our pacifiers were yanked out of our mouths — everything that we ever can do and reach for that can get us out of having to be in the existential crisis of being alone with ourselves was taken away, and people are rushing to fill the void.” Don’t be hard on yourself if you’re not “productive” or “doing quarantine right.” We are all doing our best.

Learn to identify what you can vs can’t control

Change is a constant. A crisis is an opportunity to learn more about ourselves and grow. The focus of what you can influence is typically much smaller than you think… for anything that you are taking personally, or for which you feel helpless, check out this resource by coach Rich Goddard on the layers of control.

Don’t ignore the physical symptoms of stress

Instead of immediately repressing them, allow them to be felt. Recognise what type of Fear-Fight-Flight-Freeze response is engaged (which has evolved historically to protect us), and learn how you can use your body to counteract them. Check in with yourself.

Apply the APPLE technique (Anxiety UK)

When you feel panicked or highly anxious, think APPLE: Acknowledge – Pause – Pull back – Let go – Explore.

Treat that mind-body-self

Book a date night, or at least an hour with yourself and for yourself a week. Make sure it is authentically yours and blocked off on your calendar. Be it a candlelit dinner, a nice hot bath, a HIIT class, or whatever floats your boat. Protect it.

Stay Hydrated

Hydration is a fundamental aspect of self-care that profoundly impacts our mental health. Just as we nourish our minds and bodies through mindful activities, we must also prioritize drinking enough water daily. Staying hydrated not only helps regulate our bodily functions but also plays a crucial role in maintaining mental clarity and emotional stability. Dehydration can lead to feelings of fatigue, irritability, and difficulty concentrating, which can further exacerbate stress and anxiety. By ensuring we drink an adequate amount of water or consider alternative options like the Vegas NAD IV drip, we equip ourselves with the necessary tools to cope with daily challenges and stressors, enabling us to approach life with a more focused and positive mindset. 

If you really need to speak to someone, get the right kind of help…

Fear of discrimination may lead some people to hide their sexual orientation and gender identity when seeking mental health support. Thankfully, there are people stepping up to the game —at It is a new digital health platform focused on affordable therapy matching, you can find healthcare professionals that are equipped and trained to deal with LGBTQ+ specific issues.

Luciana Carvalho Se MHFA, Co-founder & CMO at Twitter/IG/Linkedin: @LCarvalhoSe

About the Writer

Luciana is an entrepreneur, innovator, human tech evangelist and co-founder of MindCheck. MindCheck is a digital platform powering frictionless mental health assessments for individuals & enterprises.

Passionate about purposeful innovation, conscious leadership and D&I, she is an international keynote speaker (SXSW, Cannes Lions, TEDx), a board member, mentor & advisor, and a community catalyst.

And if you thought she couldn’t do anymore Luciana also drives empowerment and change as an Ambassador of the European Digital Society, Women in Immersive Tech EU, Portugal Agora’s Disruptive Council, the Series Q Network and VRAR Association Portugal.

Nonchalant Magazine
Nonchalant Magazine

This article was written by one of our creative team writers here at Nonchalant Magazine.

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