Whether your love life has been put on hold due to plans this year or you are new to the single life – now, more than ever, we’re reliant on dating apps for matchmaking. But which do the job best? Do stress babe, we have the best dating apps for bisexual women below.
Psst, if you’re actually keen to see datings apps for lesbians then we’ve written an article on that too here.

Touted as the app that’s designed to be deleted, for those of you who are looking for more than a casual hookup, Hinge is your best bet.
If you’re anything like us, then you hate that little box that says, “Tell us something about yourself”. Faced with 250 characters to summarise your personality, values, and life story most people give up.
Hinge takes that stress away by giving you prompt questions like “Weirdest gift I’ve given or received…” or “I’m strangely attracted to…”. There’s also the basic shit like height and politics so you can avoid that 8ft tall Trump supporter if you really want to.
Allegedly 3 out of 4 Hinge members want to go on a second date and they are the #1 quoted dating app in the New York Times wedding section. So, if you’re looking for Mr or Mrs Right then look no further than Hinge (especially if you live in NYC).
We all know Tinder as the original dating app but with so much competition around is the original still the best? The short answer is no, but that doesn’t mean you should count it out.
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It’s less likely that you’ll find your forever person on Tinder, as nowadays it’s known more for fuck boys… or girls. However, if you’re willing to risk the odd naughtyy, yet unprovoked pic, Tinder is still worth a punt. It’s the most downloaded dating app around and has the largest user base on our list. We hate to be unromantic but, app dating can be a numbers game and the bigger the pool, the better your chances.

HER is the app built by LGBTQ+ women for LGBTQ+ women. For the bisexuals amongst us this isn’t going to find you any hot dudes; this is an app only for people who identify as female.
There’s a clear mission at HER that goes beyond the usual app dating, hook-up model. On their website, they describe themselves as a dating and social app. Aside from the classic swipe and like, you can read queer news or see what events are happening near you. In simpler, pre-COVID times, the team at HER also hosted parties in 15 cities around the world. The idea is simply to provide a space where LGBTQ+ women can find each other and connect, which is more important now than ever (rona anybody?).
With 5 million users and counting, it’s also the biggest community for any free LGBTQ+ app. So, if you don’t fancy that D right now, then download HER and get swiping girl!

For all you maths nerds out there OKCupid is all about the algorithm.
There’s still the standard upload some photos and write a bit of blurb, but OKCupid’s matching is mostly done using answers to their pre-set ‘match questions’. A lot of the questions are pretty broad and generic, like “would you date someone messy?” or “are you always on time?”. One of those questions wouldn’t be enough to find your soulmate but, the more you answer, the cleverer the algorithm gets (apparently).
Each question needs your answer, and, the answer you’d want someone else to give. You can choose how important a question is to you, so when answering: “Would you date a bisexual person?” you can answer: “Yes” and, “Very fucking important”. You’ll then see a % match above each person (and they say romance is dead).
For anyone in an ethically non-monogamous relationship (ENM), OKCupid is a good one for you. Though not designed specifically with polyamory in mind, the flexibility of the settings have seen it adopted by the ENM community.
The kicker with OKCupid is the limited offering from its free version. If you don’t go premium then you can’t see who likes you unless you both like each other. If you want to view everyone who’s liked you then you have to pay….a lot. A total of £49.99 for 1 month to be precise! It sounds a bit spenny to us here at Nonchalant but, then again, who can put a price on love?
Speaking of non-monogamy, Feeld is easily the top choice for people who are polyamorous. Previously known as 3nder (thank fuck they changed that name) Feeld doesn’t offer anything outside of the norm for a dating app. The picture focussed, swipe left or right vibe is straight out of Tinder 101. Where Feeld sets itself apart, is in its open-mindedness. It has the broadest options of any app we’ve seen. Single or coupled up, looking for groups or individuals, for marriage or ONS – Feeld probably has an option for you.
They’ve spent a lot of time ironing out the technical glitches so messages aren’t getting randomly deleted anymore. Plus, refreshingly, the free version has pretty much everything that the premium version has. Though one bit of premium functionality which comes in handy is incognito mode which hides you from your Facebook friends. Trust us, it’s useful if you’ve got your auntie on FB and you want to avoid an awkward conversation…
Whether you’re just exploring or you’re already committed to the world of ENM, Feeld is a great way to meet like-minded people.

If you’re searching for lasting love or just a bit of fun to pass those lockdown hours there’s an app that’s got you covered.
We love a good love story here at Nonchalant but remember, in these tricky times, follow the guidelines and date safe.
Love Nonchalant x