How to Sell on Vinted Like a Boss

vinted clothes rail

We’re all guilty of having a wardrobe full of neglected items that haven’t seen the light of day in a few years, clothes that haven’t fit since before three Christmases ago and you’d promised you’d eventually squeeze back in. Well spring is hereeeee and it’s time for that spring clean girl! So let me tell you how to turn your closet into cash. Here’s the lowdown on how to sell like a boss on Vinted.

1. Price it Right

Pricing is key! Think about your own shopping, and your budget when it comes to second-hand clothes. The likelihood is, your buyers will have a similar style to you, like similar brands and so have a very similar budget in mind to you. You can also make use of the ‘similar items’ tab to compare your prices with other items available. This will ensure you don’t undersell your items or value them too highly. And hey, if you receive offers, don’t be shy to show a comparison to other items and justify your pricing!

2. Describe it like a Pro

People looove a bargain, but not if they’re unexpectedly receiving tatty clothing. Be open, be honest, and adjust your prices accordingly. Of course people are gonna want to buy clothing that looks immaculate, but when the item arrives and they’re left disappointed and feeling deceived it’s not gonna go down well. 9 times out of 10 reviews will be about your quality of service as a seller, rather than the great condition of the clothing. And of course, if something is in great condition, shout it from the rooftops! 

3. Communication is Key

Answer questions, be helpful, keep your buyers in the loop, and try not to make unattainable promises to please your buyer. This is one of few occasions when double, even triple texting is considered reasonable. Again, people really appreciate honesty and integrity, so if you didn’t get to the post office, let your buyer know! They’re human, they understand life gets in the way sometimes! This will really help you rake in those 5-star reviews.

4. Show and Tell

Include photos of the item being worn. This will really help shoppers envisage themselves in the clothing. I get many messages from buyers asking how the item fits, and as an hour glassed size 12 with large hips and thighs normally a photo of the item on me really gives a good idea to the buyer of how the clothing would look on their body shape. This also makes online shopping such a refreshing change from your average high-street store, seeing clothing on a normal shaped body! If you don’t want the whole of Vinted to see, you could even just offer to interested buyers to send a photo of the item on.

5. Label Love

Take photos of the labels, showing the designer, the size, and the materials used. Firstly, this backs up your description, it gives an idea of the quality/age of the product as a tatty label is all telling, and finally it adds more photos to a listing which always feels more appealing to a buyer. It’s all in the details, darling!

6. Timing is Everything

Post your items when your potential buyers are most active. Think about when you like to do your online shopping – probably evenings and weekends, right? Tap into this inside buyer knowledge and boost your listing engagement!

7. Keep it Fresh

Regularly update your listings. Add new items, refresh the photos of existing items, even take down things and reupload that have been up an age (yes, even if it has had a few hundred views because I guarantee it’s not getting any more). 

If you like this article why not have a look at the other article sin our Shop section.

8. Bundle Up

Offer discounts for buyers who purchase multiple items. Not only does this tap into the inner bargain hunter, but it also saves you time on packaging and posting!

9. Freshness First

There’s far too often that I open up my Vinted purchases, excited to try on my new clothing and it smells musty or even of BO. Top tip: the old charity shop smell is not cool. I don’t know what goes through people’s heads to send foisty unwashed clothes, maybe they figure people will be washing the clothes anyway. But, really… always wash your clothes before sending them off. It’s a small step that can make a huge difference in the buyer’s experience. Make sure the clothing isn’t over-washed too. That can mis-shape the clothing and make it unusable. Here’s a nice guide on how to wash cotton clothing.

10. Collar Check

This leads on from the above tip. Picture this: you’ve just received a beautiful blouse you bought, but as you’re about to try it on, you notice a ring of orange foundation on the collar. It’s off-putting and could have easily been avoided with a quick check, vanish and wash. So, always give your items, especially collars, a thorough check before sending them.

11. Little Extras

I personally am not too much of a fan of the tacky gifts or handwritten notes added to the parcels, but if you’re that person, consider something universally appreciated. Given the advice above, maybe a car freshener; a lavender bag; or even a spritz of perfume: a small gesture that keeps the clothes smelling fresh.

So, there you have it: the dos and don’ts for Vinted selling. With these tips and a bit of patience, you’ll be a Vinted selling superstar in no time.

Happy selling! And be sure to add any of your own tips that work well for you.

Lots of love,

Team Nonchalant x

Ellie Hudspith
Ellie Hudspith

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