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EuroPride 2023 it’s time, get your glitter ready

As Pride month is underway and people are getting ready for the plethora of festivities, look for the rainbow glistening (although maybe not, because it barely ever rains) in Valletta, Malta – host of EuroPride 2023 with their slogan ‘Equality from the heart’.

body glitter artwork

EuroPride has been gathering pace since it was established in 1992 in London, with various cities playing host to an event that creates a queer space for our community to shine. Some host cities like Madrid, which hosted the first time around in 2007 couldn’t get enough of us queers, sp they hosted again in 2017 and got a record-breaking 2.5 million. Any seasoned pride-goer is properly picturing the Portaloo queue with a wince right now. Get yourself a she-pee babes.

What is Happening at Euro Pride 2023

This year Malta will be hosting their ten-day event with the opening show starting on 7th September 2023 and running until 17th September 2023. During the course of the ten days, the event organisers are committed to providing a safe space to discuss issues that the queer community still has to live with. Raising awareness of the struggles their neighbours in North Africa and the Middle East still face around their rights to love who they love! Encouraging those who need support to lean on each other and embrace the inclusive vibes a pride event always successfully delivers. It’s hard not to smile while knowing how magic this will be for people. Que the playlists, the happy/questionable dancing, and of course the D&M’s with the people you just lined up at the bar with for the past hour.

brown concrete dome building near body of water

Malta EuroPride 2023 promises people that they will party their way through their lush streets enjoying marches in Valletta and Gozo with a number of themed parties along the way. Sounds like you will need your glitter.. you’re gonna need a lot of it. Glitter tits here we come. For more information on this years EuroPride 2023 head over to their website where you can find information on the opening event, the EuroPride concert, and the EuroPride march. Or alternatively, you can check out their Instagram @europride2023

Get your gifs at the ready, it’s time to bombard your squad with endless WhatsApps of lilos, cocktails, and outrageously amazing outfits. Make sure you hit the main music event on the 16th of September to see the one and only Christina Aguilera who will have you slut dropping the night away at The Granaries, Floriana, an open venue amongst some beautiful buildings (let’s be real, no one is looking at the buildings – unless you’ve bagged yourself an Architect. Then good for you hun, sounds like a great foundation). 

Unlike Prides in the UK (as great as they are), at least at this one, you have minimal chance of running into your ex or your last situationship, it actually won’t matter that you forgot to wipe your mouth after tucking into some delicious Maltese cuisine, which we’re reliably informed has a heavy Italian influence. Buon appetito! The tomato sauce-stained lips are bound to look adorable to the European beauties you’ll be partying the night away with. Can you picture it now? Arms stretched to the star-lit sky yelling ‘you are beautiful’, as your mates huddle around you and bid you full legend status for adding another Pride party to your diaries.

Tempted!? How about now you know every event is free?

You’re packing a bag and checking Skyscanner, aren’t you? If not, you should be.

Love Team Nonchalant xx

Laura Walker
Laura Walker

Laura is a London based Creative Writer for Nonchalant Magazine.

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