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Interview: Drummer Jamie Scoles

We catch up with Jamie Scoles, one of Instagrams most followed female drummers. Hear what she has to say about her career and more in this weeks interview.

jamie scoles interview

1) So, where did it all start with your career in music?

It all started when I was fourteen years old. I met and started performing with Paris By Night Vietnamese pop star, Adam Ho. We started a couple bands and would perform locally in Orange County up until I turned seventeen. I then began booking and playing solo shows, drumming to the Top 40’s Hits. After my second show, I was discovered by my long time band Nylon Pink. I was touring with Nylon Pink for four years and here I am now, beginning my solo career!

2) At what age did you learn how to play the drums and what inspired you to do so?

Growing up, I always wanted to do everything my sister wanted to do and I liked everything that she liked. She introduced me to Blink-182 and they inspired us both to want to play instruments. We ended up picking up the guitar, bass guitar and drums and I was ten at the time. My sister didn’t end up sticking to music, but I fell in love with the drums and wanted to be just like Travis Barker. To this day, he is still my favorite drummer because his style is so unique and just how much he inspired me. Blink-182 will always be my favorite band.

3) You’re clearly into fashion, specifically monochrome; who inspires what you wear?

I have always had a love for fashion. I went to college at the Fashion Institute of Design and Merchandising, although fashion design was not my major, I still went down the apparel path. I worked in the fashion industry straight out of college while also juggling my music career. I was working between touring and that was pretty lucky to be able to do. I love contemporary fashion and my style is very monochromatic and minimalistic. I mean, you can never go wrong with black and white! Brands like COS, ARKET and Wood Wood inspire my style.

4) Are you dating anyone at the moment?

I am actually dating someone at the moment. I’m dating my best friend who I have been with for three and a half years. She has always supported me through my career and stuck by my side through thick and thin. She is truly one of the most beautiful and genuine souls I have ever known and will always have a piece of my heart.

5) For our readers that would like to go in to music as a career, what advice do you have for them?

My advice for readers that would like to go into music as a career would be to find your direction, follow your passion and never give up. There will be a lot of people who will tell you no, put you down and bash you, so you must never let it get to you. The key to success is to work hard and keep going. You wouldn’t believe how many people give up on their dreams so stay in the game! If they tell you no, try harder and try again. If they put you down and bash you, be flattered, because they are jealous. You are the one following your dreams and pursuing your passions and there is nothing more respectable than that.

6) If you could choose a life motto, what would it be?

I read something the other day and it said “Go for it. No matter how it ends, it was an experience.” I would probably make this my life motto because every time I face the challenge of doing something new, scary, or out of my comfort zone, I tell myself “if you don’t do this, you will never know and even if it goes wrong, it’s an experience that you will learn and grow from.”

7) Who’s on your playlist at the moment?

No one would ever be able to guess what’s on my playlist. I’m pretty sure that every single person that has found out has been shocked. A very fun fact about me is that I absolutely love latin music. Artists like J Balvin, Maluma, Ozuna, Karol G.. the list goes on. Other than my latin music, I have artists like Shlohmo, NAO and Marian Hill.

8) Other than music, what else do you like to do with your time?

Outside of music, I run a design blog and creative studio called Designbby, play a lot of ping pong, and enjoy doing a lot of extreme sports like ride motorcycles, snowboard, jetski, skateboard and things like that.

9) You have two fur children, what are their names?

Yes! I have two fur babies and their names are Calvin and Codi. Calvin is the older brother and Codi is his younger half sister. People tend to favor Calvin because he’s a huge, lazy, chill cat with a crooked lightning bolt shaped tail and loves to cuddle with everyone. It’s really sad, because no one ever gives Codi any attention because she is skiddish and is always hiding, but I love them both so much. The crazy cat lady that I am, also made them an Instagram account too haha.

Jamie Scoles Cats

10) Who are your role models and why?

Travis Barker would have to be my role model not only because he inspired me to get into music, but because he is constantly striving to be better even when he is already one of the best and also because he is a very kind, genuine human being no matter how much fame he has or how much he has accomplished.

11) If you could use a magic telephone to call yourself at 15, what would you say?

If I could call 15 year old me, I would say to toughen up and stand up for myself. I would tell myself to be confident and embrace being myself and that the people who matter don’t mind and the people who mind don’t matter. I was heavily bullied in school and I always wished I could go back in time with the experience and the knowledge I have now and be able to stand up to all those awful kids. The awful kids who followed me around school and sat behind me to kick my chair throughout class just to throw trash, milk, scissors, or whatever else they could, and tell me how ugly I was and how I should kill myself. If I had been tougher and if I had just stood up for myself, It probably would not have affected me as much as it did.

12) Have you ever ventured to London, if so what do you think?

I have not been to London! Of all of the touring time I have done in my career, I never got the chance to make a stop there. It is very sad. It has been on my list of places to go for a while now and I hope to make it out there soon. I have only heard the most wonderful things about London. One of my best friends lived there for years and I didn’t even get the chance to go and visit her!

13) Who’s the best artist you’ve performed with and why?

I have been very lucky to have shared the stage with so many talented artists that activated my own playing, but if I had to choose my favorite experience, it would have to be sharing the stage with Ciara. The crowd was so alive and responsive and it seemed like every single person there was just having the time of their lives. There’s no better feeling than having so much positive energy all around you.

14) Where can we get your latest album?

My latest album Echosphere is available to stream on all your top streaming platforms such as Spotify, YouTube, Apple Music, Tidal, Soundcloud, etc. and is available for purchase on iTunes, Google Play, CD Baby, etc. The digital and physical album is also available in the web store.

15) Lastly, what are your New Year’s resolutions and why?

My New Year’s resolution for 2018 is to work harder than I did last year, push myself to try new things that are out of my comfort zone and to continue to learn, grow and better myself. I have already gotten a head start before the new year, because why wait, right? so, I plan to continue and stay on this track through the new year!

Thanks Jamie x

Love Nonchalant xx

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This article was written by one of our creative team writers here at Nonchalant Magazine.