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Happiest Season, Kristen Stewart’s lesbian Christmas movie

Dudes, it’s here… Praise the lesbian lord. Kristen Stewart has got us all an early Christmas present and brought some festive cheer with it. Happiest Season, the new Lesbian Rom-Com movie we’ve all been waiting for, is out now. Woohoo.

Happiest Season Trailer

In summary, Harper (played by Mackenzie Davis) takes Abby (Kristen Stewart) home for the Christmas holidays to meet her family. However, she’s not yet come out to her parents, so, Abby has to pretend she’s just her “orphan friend”. And… back in the closet, she goes. Perhaps something we all experienced back in the day, hey?

Team Nonchalant give this movie a resounding thumbs up. It brings festive cheer, fun, and perhaps even a tear or two (yes, one of the team cried…) and we’re not dickheads… so it’s definitely worth checking out.

Now you’re wondering where you can watch it? We did too… we’ve got all the details below.

Where can you watch Happiest Season?

Happiest Season will be available on Sky Cinema and NOW TV from Friday 18th December. However, if you can’t wait that long then you can rent it from Amazon Prime or Hulu – yeeaaah girl.

Let us know what you think of it by commenting below. And if you need more Lesbian movie options then head to our Lesbian Movies on Netflix and Amazon Prime article.


Team Nonchalant x

Nonchalant Magazine
Nonchalant Magazine

This article was written by one of our creative team writers here at Nonchalant Magazine.

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