As part of our #NonchalantRoleModels series, we were excited to chat to Australia’s luxe indie-pop artist Bec Sandridge. With the release of her 5 track EP Lost Dog late last year, we were keen to understand what influences her music. Read on my pretties, and you shall also learn where you can see Bec perform next too. And to add…Us being us (a bunch of complete tw*ts) obviously also got the goss on how she met her girlfriend, her coming out story and her celebrity crush too – ya know all the important stuff.
Interview with Bec Sandridge
So, tell us a bit about yourself, how did you get into music?
I bought a shitty acoustic, blue guitar off ebay when i was in highschool and the guy across the road taught me a whole lotta Blink 182 and the rest kinda rolled from there… I just became obsessed with the guitar.
For any of our readers that would like to get into singing, what advice would you give to them?
DONT DO IT!! Kidding, haha… work hard and surround yourself with good people that you trust and get to know you like and don’t like and run with it.
What is your coming out story?
I grew up in a pentecostal Christian family, so everything was church, church church – which was pretty wild! So, I didn’t really come out until I was 19. A girl asked me if I liked girls and I hadn’t really thought about it up until that point. I was too much of a nerd in high school to like ANYONE. And the rest is history!! haha…
If you could use a magic telephone to call yourself at 15 years old what would you say?
Article continues below.
Have fun!
What’s the best piece of advice you’ve ever been given?
Practice the norm and the norm will follow.
Don’t say yes to every (musical) opportunity – saying no is your friend.
What do you think of the Lesbian Scene in Australia, where do you go out? Do you have any tips for our readers?
Admittedly, I’m a bit of a nanna but I do like a pint at The Bearded Tit and a boog at The Imperial. They have some pretty stunning drag nights too.
Who’s your celebrity crush?
Rod Stewart.
Talk to us through ‘Lost Dog’, what was your inspiration?
The EP kinda of follows an on-and-off relationship I had for over 5 years. When it ended I felt like a bit of a lost dog and I lost the ol’ dog in the break up haha… It was the first time I’d properly been single since I came out! So it was a beaut ol’ rebuilding period of time.
Tell us a bit about your partner, where did you meet?
We met on old mate, Hinge but had spoken randomly on Instagram six years ago but never met up! We were both living in the UK at the time and she was going to take me to a gig but nothing eventuated at the time…
When can people see you next perform next?
World Pride 😉
And there you have it, thanks for chatting to us Bec!
You can read more interviews with lesbian singers in our queer role models section.
Team Nonchalant x